Technical Support

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For remote support on non-managed services account

Please Download, and run Teamviewer Quick Support, once running you will be presented with form on your computer, titled "Allow Remote Control". The engineer will need both "Your ID" and "Password".

Teamviewer Quick Support

Some of the most common issues and how to resolve them.

I: My computer is not opening applications like it should.

R: Usually this common problem is due to updates that have been applied, therefore a computer restart should resolve this issue.
I: I am trying to access the Internet, but all I get is a message of "Can't Find the Page."

R: If this is only happening on one device, then restart the device and try accessing the Internet once again. If other devices are not able to access the Internet either, restart both the WIFI router, and the CABLE/DSL modem at the same time, then restart one device. If the Internet access returns then, restart the remaining devices. If the Internet is still not coming up, submit a ticket and we will help you resolve the issue.